Past Events

Trade Award 2020 – Ilan Ben Dov
2 March, 2021For those of you who missed Trade Award 2020! Thank you for the insightful comments from the ambassador of Israel ...

Trade Award 2020 – TechBuddy
1 March, 2021For those of you who missed Trade Award 2020! Here are some short comments from the prize winners: Tahero Nori ...

Trade Award 2020
26 February, 2021Dear Friends! Thank you everyone for tuning in for the Trade Award 2020! Trade Award 2020 was awarded to Tahero ...

Morgonwebinarium med Wallenberg-gruppens Magnus Schöldtz
9 December, 2020Äntligen! Nu ligger seminariet med Magnus Schöldtz, Wallenberg Foundations AB, på vår YouTube-kanal. Väl värt att kika på! ...
Previous Trade Awards
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